
MSV Show Notes: Feb. 10, 2016 — Tofurky Founder Seth Tibbot and “Vegan on a Jet Plane” With Dr. David Madow

MSV Episode 021016 radioshow2

Dr. David Madow is a motivational speaker, popular Periscoper, and host of The David Madow Lifestyle Show (podcast). He entertains us in the first part of the program with his fun parody song: “Vegan on a Jet Plane” — such fun!

Website: www.davidmadow.com

Facebook: DavidMadow

Twitter: @DavidMadow

Instagram and Periscope: DavidMadow

Seth Tibbot is the founder of Tofurky and is a delightful guest as he shares with us the colorful history of his company, dating back to his vegetarian conversion in 1971, his subsequent veganism, and living in a treehouse for seven years to save money and build the iconic company. In the interview, we tackle “Why would a vegan want to eat something that tastes like meat?” and “Aren’t these processed foods?” Enlightening and fascinating.

Facebook: The Tofurky Company

Twitter: @Tofurky

Instagram: The _Tofurky_Company

In this show, I also give a shoutout Matthew Kenney’s new pizza restaurant opening this week in NYC’s East Village: 00 + Co. — for the 00 flour that makes the best pizza crust. And seriously: if you come to New York and you appreciate pizza, this place is a must-visit.

Blast from the past: If you enjoyed learning about the history of Tofurky, check out the episode with Brad Gruno of Brad’s Raw Chips. He shares the stage with Nick Cooney, author of Veganomics, an intriguing look at the statistics of vegetarianism/veganism: http://www.unity.fm/episode/MainStreetVegan_012214.

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