
OMG: I Have a Simpler Life! by Victoria Moran

I learned that the word for an author’s collected writings is “oeuvre,” and got mine arranged on a shelf.

I wrote this collection of yearnings — more space, more time, more ease — several years ago. After fourteen months of imposed isolation, a lot of them have come to pass. Maybe that’s a lesson in “watch out for what you ask for.” It’s not a clean sweep — I haven’t spent more time with people and I have more email than ever — but my life is simpler, and a great deal of that I want to hold onto. What do you want for your life? How has the past year affected that?

I surrendered to the fact that food is better in bowls.

I’m striving for a life with less stuff in it. I want everything in my home to either do something or mean something.

And while divesting, why not toss some intangibles and be left with fewer passwords to wrangle and fewer demands that don’t fall under the rubric “life’s work”?

I envision a day with less email and the nerve not to answer it if I don’t feel like it, and maybe not even open it. I’ve heard some people do that, but I can’t imagine being one of them. Maybe that comes from too much Catholic school.

I want a clearer calendar and a shorter tax return.

And to divest from my wardrobe any garment that has “sweat” as its first syllable.

I have really spent more time with my dog. This is Forbes, love in a dog suit.

I relish the thought of knowing less about politicians and more about life and meaning, to immerse myself in the sacred and be choosy about the profane.

I crave the chance to do more work that matters and less that spins my wheels.

I wish days could be longer so I wouldn’t have to choose between meditation and writing in my journal, between yoga and the gym; long, delicious days for making dinner from scratch and writing with a pen. Days like that would put empty spaces in my life so if some delectable opportunity showed up, there would be a place for her to sit.

I want more time to spend with my dog, and with the people I love and the ones I find interesting. I yearn to live my life profoundly in the present moment and not strive to reach so many goals unless I should one day take up hockey.



Victoria Moran is a writer, a vegan, and a lifelong student of yoga.

She loves books and animals and just this week wrote in a cafe for the first time in ages. Check out her contribution to this collection of vegan experts’ dishing on “Moving Towards a Vegan Lifestyle at Home.” 




6 thoughts on “OMG: I Have a Simpler Life! by Victoria Moran”

  1. I have my much loved Victoria Moran books displayed in a collection as well. I even have a few that are signed! Love referencing them when I need a “lift” or some direction…”WWVMD”. Hope for future additions to my collection.

    Stay well!

    1. Irene – I thought I accidentally deleted this, but I didn’t. Good. And thank you for your very kind words.

  2. Bonnie Hennessy

    Oh I long for the same. I applaud your ability to put it into words that I can read and truly feel all the emotion of longing welling up inside. Not as an envious feeling, but as a drawing closer to discover just what do I want. I feel I stop wanting a long time ago and have just fallen prey to whatever will be will be. You’ve got me thinking…

    1. Thank you, Bonnie. May the light dawn on your thought process and give you great gifts. – Victoria

  3. Yes. To everything you said! Ah, for simpler times. My bundle of fur is Keoki the cat. Om shanti.

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