
Show Notes Oct. 14: Vegan Business & Spectacular Shoes

Listen to Podcast 101415: Guests are Katrina Fox, UK-born, Australia-based journalist-turned-biz-whiz who’s authored a fabulous new guide for plant-eating entrepreneurs, Vegan Ventures: Start & Grow an Ethical Business. Katrina’s website is www.veganmedia.com, and you can follow her on Twitter @katrinafox.

And Natalie Dean, cofounder with Heather Whittle of Beyond Skin, to-die-for, vintage-inspired vegan shoes made in England and shipped to you, wherever you are. We discuss shoes, business, and Ellen Degeneres’s entering the shoe biz with “a little bit of leather.” They’re on Twitter @BeyondSkinTweet.

Please note that this episode was pre-recorded since I was flying back from VegFestUK London at the time we’d have done the show live. It seems that pre-records always have snags, and this one was late getting to iTunes and Stitcher. Our apologies.

Blast from the past: If you liked hearing about shoes from Beyond Skin, check out our early episode that focused vegan fashion — the upscale kind from designer Leanne Mai-ly Hilgart of Vaute Coutureand vegan message wear from Michelle Schwegmann of Herbivore Clothing: http://www.unity.fm/episode/MainStreetVegan_082912/

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